Aladdin best story in english


Aladdin best story in english 2023

Aladdin best story in english 2023, One day, Aladdin was going to the magical river about which it was told, whatever the person goes to it, the magical river pulls it inside it.

Aladdin best story in english 2023

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Aladdin best story in english 2023

This way many people of the village have disappeared from there, when it When Aladin came to know about it, he went to help the villagers to save them and find out who was doing all this, when he went to that river, he knew that this river was a common There is no river,


Aladin was looking at that river only when he saw that a man was coming to him as soon as he drank the river water, he had gone inside the river, when Aladin saw this, he also felt terribly afraid because he Did not know how deep the river went to the river too he went in the river when he went inside the river, he saw that many more people are imprisoned, they are all caught up on the same,


Aladdin was also trapped with him, he started asking all the people how he was trapped on this, he started saying all this, that as soon as we all come to drink water, we are stuck on it. After that, a man lives here who asks us whether you have any lamp, if you have it, give it to me, if not, then no one will go from here, we do not know about any lamp , But he does not leave us is,


Aladdin understood everything that this is being done to get this lamp but Aladin understood that I should save everyone from here, many people have been caught on this, Aladdin has saved all the people. Jinn was told after that Jinn had saved everyone. All the people had been returned to their homes. Now no one was imprisoned inside the river, everyone was left out,


After that Aladdin also came out, but Aladin did not know anything about who he was, because he had come from there, but to understand that who would have come here to call all, he Why does the river come, he wants to reach me, he wants to go about me but I have to find out soon, because he can run another person, so this thing has to be ascertained soon, today Everything is fine But it will be the same again tomorrow, this thing has to be known soon,


Aladdin best story in english, When all the people came home, Aladdin asked everyone how he looks, all told that he thinks he is a magician because he can do anything with his magic, we understand that the magician who Everything is doing. He has to be removed from here soon. He wants to take the genie, how will all this happen, we will read it further in our story,


Friendship help a new story 2023

Both of the boys were studying together, so they were both good friends, but their friendship did not last till the day because one day it happened. Because of which both of them seemed to be so that should not have happened but they did not understand this thing when both of them were coming back from school, they had got a beggar, she was demanding to eat but none of her today is anything He had given them two boys after that he started asking for food, but one of them said that we have nothing


The beggar started saying that he is very hungry, if you can give some food then I will be full of the rest of the other boys said that I have probably left something I have eaten less food today, probably still eating food. Some food was taken out and there was little food left in it, the food he had given was left and after that both of them went away, but the first friend was saying the same thing.


That you should not pay attention to them because they always trouble me if we keep focusing on these things are not good, they fall behind while I do not like it. Another friend started saying that we should help them because when they It is necessary that only he is hungry, so we should help him. We did it, you should do the same thing but the first friend does not believe that he It does not look good,


The next day when he was coming back from the school, he was coming from the scattered front. The first friend started saying that he will now ask for a meal again because it happens every day that he came to him and stopped. The other friend Said that you are still hungry. The man began to say that I have not been hungry today but today my son has come to meet you. He wants to meet you because you had given me food yesterday while no man is my help. I was doing and you were helping me even when I was younger


When I told this thing to my boy, he wanted to meet because he had to see which boy he always helps, after listening to all this, the first friend goes away because he does not pay attention to these things. He also goes because no one does not talk about him, he was refusing tomorrow, but today he was unaware that whatever he needs is the same, after that he will ever tell his friend He did not stay away from his friend yesterday.


Aladdin best story in english, Maybe he did not want to speak or it might also be that he would not like this thing. Whatever he is, he does not talk now. He does not like anybody to help, while his friend does not think so, he helps everyone. She likes to do it, this story tells us that always should help in life,

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